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Friends Always <3

Yesterday was "National Women's Friendship Day". Now this is a subject I have been wanting to write about for a while, I have just never got around to it. So today I will write about some special women who I love! ** Please note, I am not going to write about anyone I work with, or anyone who is with a friend of my husbands. It's not that I don't love you (you know who you are anyway), it's just I have to narrow it down a bit. AND then if I did forget someone I would feel SUPER bad....

So I will start with "The Six". These girls have been a pretty serious part of Pat and I's journey. The amount of support I have got from them is amazing. The Six have been together since high school, so we have got to watch each other grow into "women". We continue to have dinners once a month with each other.

First I will start with (obviously) Heather. Heather and I became friends in public school (I want to say grade 6ish). Ironically enough we both had pictures of each other from when we were 5 or 6 when we were 2 of 4 in a ballet class! I still remember sitting at Heather's house when we found out. We were just looking at pictures, and I was like "ummm, hey. That's me!!!". In the 20+ years we have been friends we have never had a friendship altering fight (I think just a few drunk exaggerated arguments). We stood as "Maid of Honor" in each others weddings. I am an (unofficial) Auntie to her children (as she will be to mine). We have ENDLESS inside jokes, to the point of both of our husbands have made comments about "not being Crystal or Heather, so I don't know what you are talking about". I know its hard for Heather to talk to me directly about infertility, but still has an uncanning way of showing her support. I know 30 years down the road we will still be in each others lives. *heart emoji*

The rest of these are all in equal order :) Good ol' Ranger Joe aka. Ashley. Always prepared for everything. We became friends in late high school, when we locker partners. She always wants to know what i'm going through. If I were to tell her about a procedure, she will be look it up right away. What meds i'm on? She knows the side effects. She often worries about the ones she loves, but always lets them know they are loved. :)

Lori. The one who understands the most of what i'm going through. She too had to reach out to fertility treatments. She again always wants to know whats next. The most chill/drama free one of the group. One of the first friends I made in high school. She is a person that can keep her composure. She has had to deal with some pretty serious shit in life, but still manages to keep it together. :)

Sheena. Again, one of the first friends I made in high school. She is someone that you may not talk to in a while, but can always depend on. If I was to call her in the middle of the night, she would be over in minutes. Plus, she surprises me with sweet halloween mugs! :)

Nicole. Even though she moved away when we were in our early 20's, its like she never left! She's proof that the distance between friends doesn't matter, just the strength of friendship.

Recently The Six went and got "friendship tattoos". Something we have been wanting to do FOR YEARS! It's kinda cool, because I think of them when I look down and I know I have 5 girls that I can and will depend on for years to come!


Now Joselyn. My "newest" of friends. Joselyn is the one who knows the most of what we are going through. She not only has a strong relationship with myself, but also Pat. She understands both sides of our infertility. She has kept me company during several of the drives to appointments, as well as necessary movie dates during recoveries. She continues to show her love and support to both of us, and is one of the few people Pat will actually open up to.

Some other honourable mentions of women that meant a lot to me growing up. Even though we have gone our separate ways, or even live in different provinces we still continue to show support to one another. Teri, Lisa, Marcy, and Sarah. I still love you guys!! And even though we don't see each other much, we still had some great times! :)

I can honestly say that I am one lucky girl for the friendships I have had in my life. I have always had someone to turn to. All of these women have and will continue to hold a special place in my heart.

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